Some Aspects of Difference between Windows and Linux


All know that Linux and Windows is an operating system. It's just that, both of these operating systems have a slight difference. Where difference between Windows and Linux? Linux is an operating system (open source), which means the system is free and can be developed by anyone. While Windows is a closed operating system (commercial), means that if we want to have a Windows operating system, we must to buy a license from the Microsoft Company.

Because Linux can be developed by many people (open source), so Linux has many kinds that called ‘distributions’.   Linux development is not done by one person or company but by many people. But in windows the variety is called a ‘version’, the development of the operating system that is only made by one company, namely Microsoft.

After  found out about the two operating systems are Linux and Windows, which is where the operating system is the most superior and attractive? To answer the question, here review about difference between Windows and Linux.

Development. Windows and Linux are Windows evolved from a micro-paced world of personal computers. Windows is very focused on the simplicity of use, the approach to the end user and so on. Linux develops from the UNIX world with all the problems of multi-tasking and multi-user. Linux was designed with the characteristics of a server or high-end workstations. Linux is also developed with networking capabilities are quite high.

In terms of appearance. Windows and Linux can be seen from the display screen. Windows has a more varied; the look of Windows can be changed in accordance with what we want. But views on Linux bit monotonous.

Completeness ProgramThe third of difference between both are Completeness of Program. Windows does not provide many programs once installed. Windows CD only contains the operating system, so if you want office must find a CD office, like photo editing should find CD Photoshop (for example), would draw emotion find CD CorelDraw (for example), would project management must find a CD MS Project, etc.
CD Linux (e.g Ubuntu) contains many operations such as office programs (word, spreadsheet, presentation, and database), Multimedia (Sound, Video, Graphics), Internet (Browser, Email, Chat, Downloader, Messenger, Torrent, News), 3D, Games, Utility, etc.

Program ApplicationNext is Windows and Linux on program application aspect. Windows is superior in the Office application. Microsoft Office includes a tool that is very nice to work in a PC, such as preparing presentations, writing, reports, agendas etc. While Linux is superior in web server application, proxy server, firewall, mail server, Samba etc. Server applications on Linux more efficient resources (memory and disk) compared to Windows.

Management ProcessNext, between Windows and Linux are Windows have a management process that is easy to read. While the system is running in Windows we will look a number of processes that are running. User can recognise most of these processes. But on a Linux system will be visible statement that there are more than 20 processes is running. If users don’t go into the Linux operating system, it will not be able to recognise most of these processes.

That's the difference between two OS are Windows and Linux. Although, between both OS's have some differences, basically the same OS.